Les guerres commerciales sont des guerres de classes [revue de web]

Guerres commerciales et lutte des classes, Bruno Amable, 22 juin 2020
"La fable européenne des pays «fourmis» ou «cigales» cache seulement une augmentation des inégalités sociales dans certains pays, permettant de créer de l’excédent. Et cela vaut aussi à l’extérieur de l’Europe."

La lutte de classes en Europe menace le libre-échange mondial, Matthew C. Klein, Le Grand Continent, 6 juin 2020
" En Chine, aux États-Unis et surtout en Europe, un conflit mondial entre classes économiques à l'intérieur des pays est interprété de manière erronée comme une série de conflits entre pays ayant des intérêts concurrents. Si les Européens veulent préserver le système international ouvert – et s'assurer que l'économie mondiale est capable de se remettre du coronavirus – ils devront tirer les leçons des erreurs de l'Allemagne. "

Guerres commerciales et guerres de classe: surabondance d’épargne mondiale? première partie, Michael Roberts, 21 juin 2020

Book Interview: Trade Wars Are Class Wars with Matthew C. Klein, BCG Henderson Institute, June 27, 2020
"Matthew C. Klein is the economics commentator at Barron's. He is also a former writer for the Financial Times, Bloomberg, and The Economist, and was once an investment associate at Bridgewater Associates. In this discussion with Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak, Chief Economist of BCG and Managing Director and Partner, he discusses his new book, Trade Wars Are Class Wars: How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace (Yale University Press, 2020) by Matthew Klein and Michael Pettis. This is a transcript of their conversation recorded on June 22, 2020."

Trade Wars Are Class Wars, Phenomenal World, June 13, 2020
"Michael Pettis and Matthew Klein's new book Trade Wars Are Class Wars begins with an epigraph from John A. Hobson: "The struggle for markets, the greater eagerness of producers to sell than of consumers to buy, is the crowning proof of a false economy of distribution. Imperialism is the fruit of this false economy." Pettis and Klein update the Hobsonian thesis for the twenty-first century, arguing that, while trade wars are often thought to be the result of atavistic leadership or the contrasting economic priorities of discrete nation states, they are best understood as the malign symptoms of domestic inequalities that harm workers the world over. In a panoramic account of shifts in the global economy over the past several decades, Pettis and Klein detail the development of the economic ills that define modern international political economy. It is essential and provocative reading with broad implications for international politics, the study of inequality, and the future of the global monetary system."

Savings gluts and investment droughts, Martin Sandbu, Financial Times, June 18, 2020

What trade wars tell us, Martin Wolf, Financial Times, June 18, 2020
"A new book looks at why global conflicts owe more to divisions within countries than between them"

"Trade Wars are Class Wars" makes clear connections between trade wars, inequality, and saving gluts [Twitter Thread], Amir Sufi, June 15, 2020

Why did we see a global saving glut, but not a global investment boom? [Twitter Thread], Luca Fornaro3, June 15, 2020

Trade wars and class wars: part one – the global savings glut? Michael Roberts, June 21, 2020

Dans cette courte conférence, Michael Pettis vulgarise admirablement comment l'épargne, l'investissement, la politique monétaire, la balance des paiements et les réformes macroéconomiques interagissent en expliquant ce qui s'est passé en Chine ces dernières décennies.
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